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Know the Law!  Know Your Rights!

Code of Maryland Regulations for Special Education

Appendix C- COMAR : Maryland Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Guide July 2014

Federal Guidance documents

The US Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) publishes "Dear Colleague Letters" to interpret regulations for school systems.  These letters can be very valuable in IEP meetings to help clairfy regulations.

This document highlights the fact that many students do not receive appropriate behavior intervention supports.  If you feel like school personnel continually blame your child's behavior on him rather than changing their behavior supports, read and share this guidance document.

This document highlights the requirement for students with disabilities to be taught with the same academice standards as their nondisabled peers.  If you feel the school is not teaching your child the academics she deserves, provide this letter to your IEP team.

Spanish Glossary

This is a glossary of special education legal terms for Spanish translation.

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